I found that sometimes we have to go through many heartaches before we finally find our true love. I believe we have to go through all the heartaches to teach us the good and bad in a relationship. And this way, when we finally find our true love we will have learned these things, and we will do it right this time.
Communication is very important in a relationship. If we dont have this then we truly don't get to know each other. Never walk away from a problem just to leave them unresolved. If you do this, the problems will always be there. Everyone has arguments, but that is ok because that is a form of comunication. When you disagree on minor things, do your best to compromise... Sometimes we have to do things we don't really like or want to do. Sometimes we just have to put those feelings aside and do what's best. We can't always be right, even though we would like to be.
If we put all our effort into making the relationship work, but your partner just isn't doing the same. Then sometimes things just are not meant to be. A relationship should be a two-way street, not a one-way street. No one can honestly be happy in a relationship based on a one-way street. So please don't live your life at a dead end. We all have a special someone on this earth just for us. And in time you will find that love.
When your in a relationship and your mate gives you more bad times than good, the relationship may just be the wrong one for you. When your partner calls you awful names or does awful things and makes you feel worthless, it's best to get out of it. Your partner will tell you they are sorry and that it won't happen again. But almost always things just get worse and not better.
When your partner hits you, they almost always will do it again, no matter what they say. Don't ever stay in a bad relationship just for the kids because this isn't just unhealthy for you, but for the children too. Children learn from the things they see. So if they are in an unhealty relationship, they most likely will be too as they grow older.
These are just a few lessons I have learned in the journey of my life. I will forever learn lessons until my journey in life ends.
You have to truly believe in your dreams. Don't ever let go of your dreams. It's only you that can make your dreams come true. Yes, others can encourage your dreams to make them come true. But in the end, it's you that made your dreams come true.
When another tries to make you feel weak, show them just how strong you really are. Stand on your own two feet.
When you feel as though you just can't take anymore of this life, don't give up because there will be better days ahead.
When your heart has been shattered in so many pieces, don't give up on love because it will never give up on you.
I wanted to share the lessons I have learned though my journey in life. I hope that maybe these lessons will help someone else. We will never stop learning new lessons until our journey in life ends.
- nice di ba?
Well done!
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