SULYAP ng isang blogger...: November 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


It is madness...

To hate all roses because you got scratched with one thorn...

To give up on your dreams
Because one didn’t come true...

To lose faith in prayers
Because one was not answered...

To give up on your efforts
Because one of them failed...

To condemn all your friends
Because one betrayed you...

Not to believe in love
Because someone was unfaithful or didn’t love you back...

To throw away all your chances to be happy

Because you did not succeed on the first attempt....

I hope that as you go on your way
You don’t give in to madness

Remembering always ...
Another chance may come up

Another friend

A new love

A renewed strength

Be persistent.
Look for hapiness in every day

The sure path to failure is to give up! It is often through failure that future success come – KEEP TRYING!

God bless you.

The Old Path... My Home

It's been almost 5 years since I really "got home". But how did I really got home?

I really didn't like it at first. It was way back 1997 when my brother asked me to take a peek to what he was watching (I guess that was in IBC 13). My first reaction was "AY, NAGMUMURA!!!" (in English, "Oh, he tells defamatory words!"). I didn't watch that program again.

1998, my husband was actually switching TV channels when he caught RJTV 29. I didn't know that he was watching that guy, and he was fond of listening to him. I watched TV w/ him, and from then I never sleep until I finish the program. My day is not complete, as if I really can't sleep w/o watching it.

For 2 years I've been a constant listener/viewer of that program. I even attended an exposition once with my sister-in-law (she invited me) in 1999. I really don't know what happened, but sometime in November 2000, we met my husband's bestfriend in a mall where he works, and he invited us to attend the indoctrination session. I agreed, but my husband didn't want to... he said he isn't ready yet. I attended the indoctrination sessions, I finished them, and decided that I want to go home... as in I really want to go back home. The big day finally arrived, unfortunately I had a freak accident... boiling water poured over 1/5 of my total Body Surface Area. It was actually after a month when I really got to get back home.

It has been almost 5 years now that I am home. Life has never been so good... but it has never been so easy. But still, I'm glad and very fortunate that I am with my REAL family, with a FATHER who guides us towards the right path, which is THE OLD PATH.

There has been my tribulations, but there has been my failures, too. My carnal weakness has brought me down. But with His mercy and help, here I am, still standing to the ground. He has been a sturdy wall where I can hold on to. And these things made me a better and stronger person.

This just proves that there is Someone up there more powerful and ever-knowing than I am, that I am a nobody, that I am not perfect either.

The Old Path... This is really the way towards home.

I never want to leave home anymore.


I was invited by a brethren that bloggers like me should register with BLOGGER.COM, so I did (pasalamat ka Nato, malakas ka sa akin! hahaha!). It's really quite hard to maintain accounts since I already have accounts in other blogsites. But I'm planning to make this an exclusive one.

It's exclusivity will be in a broader, deeper perspective. I'm sure this will be VERY INTERESTING.

Do visit from time to time for updates. I'll be posting my first entry soon.